We are SO grateful for the love & support you have shown and for being SO very generous in your encouragement and prayers! If you are able, and feel led to do so, we still need funds for our travel expenses. If you have any questions, feel free to email us at adoptshoppe@gmail.com We LOVE sharing our story! We are SO thankful for you!!!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

18 months

Miss Mia is 18 months old!  Time goes by SO quickly!
Here's a little bit about her now:

-She wears mostly 6-9 month clothes.
-Size 4 shoes
-size 2 diapers
        (she's still wearing Pampers Swaddlers--
        my other 2 outgrew the swaddlers by the time they were 4 months or so!)
-She hardly ever walks, she RUNS!
-She is a skilled, fearless climber.
-She LOVES her Daddy and calls his name {loudly} when he's not easily visible to her.
-She still doesn't say a lot of recognizable words,
        but that doesn't stop her from talking {a lot}!
-She is ALWAYS GOING!  We have to stay on our toes to keep up with her!
-She still takes 2 good naps a day {usually totaling 4-5 hours--which is good
        because we need the break!}
-She is very loving and gives out hugs and kisses freely!

1 comment:

  1. She is STILL a little doll baby. I love her.
