Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Today is the day...

...that Mia has been with us longer than she was away from us!  YAY!!!  I feel like celebrating!  The wait seemed SO LONG while we were waiting to go get her.  Now, she's been home one day longer than that and the time has FLOWN by!  She is doing SO well.  Here's a little bit about her and what she's doing now:

-She will be 11 months on February 1st.
-She weighs around 16 pounds.
-She wears size 3-6 month clothes.
-She wears size 2 diapers.
-She likes to tease.  When I try to get her to say "Momma", she says "Daddy"!
-She started walking a few days ago, but refuses to do it again!  She does take a few steps from one thing to another, and walks around the edges of things all the time.
-She can clap and say "Yay" while standing.
-She's a VERY busy girl!  She never stops!
-She tries to eat things off of the floor when I'm not looking.
-She thinks Mason is hilarious!
-She has never really cared for baby food.
-She loves pizza! {who doesn't?!?}
-She can climb stairs---we have to watch her closely {and shut the gate}!
-She has REALLY wild, crazy hair when she wakes up!!
-She's pretty good about letting other people hold her--as long as I'm pretty close by.
-She says "Daddy" ALL the time.
-She's a Momma's girl.
-We love her more than you can imagine.

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