Thursday, January 20, 2011

Mia WALKS!!!

So, Miss Mia has taken a step or two here and there without help the last few days.  But today, SHE WALKED!!!  At 10 1/2 months!  WHAT IS HAPPENING?!?!?  She's too little to be doing stuff like this, right??  She's in SUCH a big hurry!  But yet, she's still so tiny (she still wears 3-6 month clothes).  Mia, slow down!!!  You're doing too much--too fast, baby!

1 comment:

  1. It's crazy isn't it? Libby was the same way. She started walking at 9 months. She was still wearing 3-6 months until about 17 months old. I guess that's just the way for our tiny Taiwanese girls ; )
