Thursday, May 27, 2010

I got a note from Cheryl today! She seems to always be one of the ones that take Mia for her shots! She is SO sweet to send me a message to tell me how it went! Here's what she said:

"Hi Kate! Just to let you know. We took Mia to get her Hepatitis B shot and DPT/Polio immunization on Tuesday. She did great, even getting two shots. She quit crying as soon as I picked her up and cuddled her. Can't wait till you guys can be here to cuddle her. She is just precious! Yesterday, she was sitting in the little chair at His Hands and was just watching everybody do what they do. She was taking it all in! I'm so glad there is now a court date to look forward to. God is doing His work! Oh yeah, she weighs 4.5 kg (9 lbs 15 oz) and is 54 cm (21.3 inches) long. In a line of 100 babies she would be #5 on the short end and same with weight. She's such a little thing, but she eats well. She gets cuter every day! God's blessings to you guys!. Just pray that the court ordered home studies can get done quickly, for both Mia and her birth mom. That will move things along with getting the decrees after court."

So everyone, please pray that the homestudies in Taiwan on Mia and her birthmom are done right away! We want to get those decrees as soon as possible after the court date so we can GO GET MIA!!!

Here's a couple of pictures from this week:

Mia seems to like her bath!

Check out Mia's flippy hair! Cute!
This is Morgan, an awesome teenage girl who helped out at His Hands over the weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Praying that things will wrap up quickly and you will be on your way to Taiwan very soon to hold your beautiful Mia.
