Sunday, September 25, 2011

Adoption Yard Sale

So, we cleaned our house out from top to bottom.  We found lots of things we didn't need and could sell to raise money for our adoption!  LOTS of people in our small town came.  We did donations only.  I think there were 2 big things that we put a price on, but the rest we just accepted donations for it.  Whatever people wanted to give was fine with us.  People couldn't believe it.  They bought stuff, went home and told their friends, and then came back and bought MORE stuff!!  When it was all over we raised $1,280.11 for our adoption fund.  WhooHoo!  Praising God for His blessings!!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

18 months

Miss Mia is 18 months old!  Time goes by SO quickly!
Here's a little bit about her now:

-She wears mostly 6-9 month clothes.
-Size 4 shoes
-size 2 diapers
        (she's still wearing Pampers Swaddlers--
        my other 2 outgrew the swaddlers by the time they were 4 months or so!)
-She hardly ever walks, she RUNS!
-She is a skilled, fearless climber.
-She LOVES her Daddy and calls his name {loudly} when he's not easily visible to her.
-She still doesn't say a lot of recognizable words,
        but that doesn't stop her from talking {a lot}!
-She is ALWAYS GOING!  We have to stay on our toes to keep up with her!
-She still takes 2 good naps a day {usually totaling 4-5 hours--which is good
        because we need the break!}
-She is very loving and gives out hugs and kisses freely!