Friday, July 22, 2011


So, for months now, I've been working on a video of our trip to Taiwan to get Miss Mia.
I'm hoping to have it done in time for the one year anniversary of when we got her!
That's in just a couple of weeks!

In the meantime, enjoy this video of Mia chatting on her phone.
It's my all-time favorite!
It'll make you smile.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, July 21, 2011


{I'll try to go back some and catch up some on the big spaces of bloglessness in between posts.}

As of today, my youngest daughter is officially and legally Mia Ryanne!  WhooHoo!
Who wants to celebrate?

I still have some things to do:
-Certificate of Citizenship in her American name
-Social Security Card in her American name

But that's it!
Then I'll finally be done with the paperwork from Mia's adoption!

Just in time to start the next adoption!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Whether it is a child in Taiwan, China, Africa, on the other side of the world, in a homeless shelter, or foster care system here in America, there is no difference. These children in need {through no fault of their own} need the ORDINARY people in this world {like me and you} to give them help to change their world for the better. We can't change the whole world by helping just one, but the whole world for that one...CHANGES.